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9531. Notice

This rule is no longer applicable effective December 15, 2008.

(a) Notice
Association staff may issue a written notice suspending or canceling the membership of a member or the registration of a person who has failed to pay a fee, due, assessment, other charge, or submit a required report or information related to such payment.
(b) Service of Notice
Association staff shall serve the notice via personal service, facsimile or overnight courier and shall file a copy of the notice with the Office of Hearing Officers.
(c) Effective Date of Notice
A notice issued and served under this Rule shall become effective 15 days after the date of service of the notice.
Amended by SR-NASD-99-76 eff. Sept. 11, 2000.
Adopted by SR-NASD-98-57 eff. March 26, 1999.

Selected Notices: 99-16, 00-56.