It is not fair to ban the Leveraged and inverse funds in the mid way once it started, its like stealing my money as everyone has a investment techique and long term goals , bannning now means my 10+ years of wait missing the growth is foul game as I have been waiting on this for a while 2011. rise , 2018 raise, 20220 raise all was on false grounds and castle built on air I strongly oppse the ban
This is ridiculous and regulatory overreach. I've been a FINRA licensed professional for over 25 years and can't believe this is now coming up. These products are great tools for investors. Curbing their availability could lower their liquidity. Do not restrict these products!
I oppose restrictions to my right to buy leveraged and inverse funds
I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of
No government interference, keep your hands to yourself.
Dear Sir or Madam,
Leveraged and inverse funds have a place in the equity market. Mostly used short term they can be an effective method of investing in certain types of markets. Although they are higher risk, long term they have proven to have an excellent
rate of return. An investor should not be controlled on how to invest any portion of their assets. These types of etfs are based on stocks.
Stop the over regulation. Allow investors to be responsible for their own actions. Bad investment decisions are self correcting.
I should be able to choose what investments I want,not be told how or where to invest!!!
For 10 years, I have held ProShares Ultra-pro short and Pro-short Funds. If you disallow investors from buying these funds, the value of these funds will evaporate since very few will be buying them. So I won't be able to sell them. I will lose everything. I appreciate your intentions and agree with them to some extent, but a sudden drastic refusal to let them be traded will severly
Leveraged funds are an important part of my overall investment strategy. Restricting my access to them would jeopardize me and my families financially future
I strongly oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments such as leveraged and inverse funds. I use these funds as a hedge to help diversify and protect my other investments. Im concerned that government intervention in these financial instruments will destroy their ability to provide safety and protection to my investment portfolio.
Investing can be very dangerous. Investing