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Technical Notice

FINRA Data Feeds

January 31, 2022

From the start of day transmissions, on January 31, 2022, FINRA experienced an issue with its data feeds (ATDS, BTDS, BTDS-144A, SPDS, SPDS-144A and TDDS) resulting in transactions not being disseminated. The problem was corrected at approximately 8:37 a.m.; at that time feeds began publishing normally. 

During the afternoon of January 31, 2022, FINRA will issue retransmissions to all data recipients of the affected feeds for the estimated sequence number ranges impacted.

As with original transmissions, retransmissions are broadcast to all direct connect subscribers. It is the responsibility of the data feed recipient to appropriately process these messages.  Please refer to the data feed specification for each feed for reference to retransmission values. 

Contact FINRA Product Management at (866) 899-2107 if there are questions regarding this notice.