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All Fingerprint Statuses

CDPD*Firm provided barcode on form filing and awaiting receipt of fingerprints for processing.
CLERFBI result indicating No Data was identified for fingerprints submitted.
CLRXFBI result indicating No Data was identified based on Name Check search.
COMPFINRA staff has completed review of CHRI identified by the FBI in response to fingerprints submitted.
CMPXFINRA staff has completed review of CHRI identified by the FBI following Name Check search.
EXCXFBI result indicating no match after Name Check search due to excessive candidates.
ILEGFBI result indicating fingerprints submitted were determined to be illegible (by the FBI).
LGCY*Fingerprint status provided prior to August 1999 conversion to Web CRD.
NMCKIndividual is undergoing a Name Check search based on FBI determination that the individual has at least one set of fingerprints with a reason that is eligible for a Name Check.
RAPPFBI result indicating CHRI was identified for fingerprints submitted.
RAPXFBI result indicating CHRI was identified based on a Name Check search.
RECCFingerprints received and forwarded to the FBI for processing.
RECD*A fingerprint submission that is missing information required for processing.
RECP*Fingerprints were processed through another Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO) and the FBI identified No Data.
RECR*Fingerprints were processed through another SRO and CHRI was identified.
RECTA third fingerprint submission to the FBI because fingerprints previously submitted were illegible.
RECVA second fingerprint submission to the FBI because fingerprints previously submitted were illegible.
RECX*Fingerprints were received and processed by FINRA.
REJTFingerprints were rejected by the FBI because required information was missing.
TERM*Fingerprint record reflects termination based on form filing or other process.
XMPTIndividual is exempt from the fingerprinting requirement Section 17(f)(2) of the Securities Exchange Act 1934, (15 USC 78q(f)(2)), and Exchange Rule 17f-2 thereunder, as amended, based on illegible prints or other criteria in Exchange Rule 17f-2.

* Status is only used in CRD