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On the Front Lines of Investor Protection
On the Front Lines of Investor Protection

Each year, we conduct thousands of investigations of potential violations of securities industry rules, regulations and U.S. securities laws.

Often, a single customer’s decision to speak with FINRA staff is the key to uncovering a Ponzi scheme or holding a financial fraudster accountable.

Who We Are

FINRA is a not-for-profit, non-governmental regulator for all broker-dealer firms and brokers that sell securities in the United States. We regulate approximately 3,500 firms and 620,000 brokers across the country. FINRA is overseen by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and is authorized by Congress to protect U.S. investors by making sure the broker-dealer industry operates fairly and honestly.

  • We write and enforce rules governing the activities of all registered broker-dealer firms and registered brokers in the U.S.
  • We examine firms for compliance with those rules.
  • We recover money for harmed investors and remove bad actors from the brokerage industry. In the last five years, we ordered over $170 million in restitution for harmed investors.

Our Impact

In 2020 alone, FINRA:

  • brought over 800 disciplinary actions against registered brokers and firms for unethical behavior;
  • levied $57 million in fines;
  • ordered over $25 million in restitution to harmed investors; and
  • referred close to 1,000 fraud and insider trading cases to the SEC and other agencies for litigation and/or prosecution.

How You Can Help

Each year, hundreds of investors voluntarily cooperate with FINRA staff in our investigations. These interactions help us stop bad actors before they harm others. You may have information that can assist us in an investigation.

When contacted by FINRA, please speak with us—with your help, we may be able to pursue disciplinary action against a firm or broker.

Want to Know More?

Learn more about how you can help FINRA protect investors, and read what actual investors said about their experiences working with FINRA.