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10212. Composition of Panels

This Code was superseded by the Customer Code (FINRA Rule 12000 Series) and the Industry Code (FINRA Rule 13000 Series) on April 16, 2007, for claims filed on or after that date.

For disputes involving a claim alleging employment discrimination, including a sexual harassment claim, in violation of a statute:
(a) Each panel shall consist of either a single public arbitrator or three public arbitrators qualified under Rule 10211, unless the parties agree to a different panel composition.
(b) A single arbitrator shall be appointed to hear claims for $100,000 or less.
(c) A panel of three arbitrators shall be appointed to hear claims for more than $100,000, unless the parties agree to have their case determined by a single arbitrator.
Adopted by SR-NASD-99-08 eff. Jan. 18, 2000.

Selected Notice: 99-96.