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9820. Appointment of Hearing Officer and Hearing Panel

This rule is no longer applicable. NASD Rule 9820 has been superseded by FINRA Rule 9820. Please consult the appropriate FINRA Rule.

(a) As soon as practicable after the Department of Enforcement or the Department of Market Regulation files a copy of the notice initiating a temporary cease and desist proceeding with the Office of Hearing Officers, the Chief Hearing Officer shall assign a Hearing Officer to preside over the temporary cease and desist proceeding. The Chief Hearing Officer shall appoint two Panelists to serve on a Hearing Panel with the Hearing Officer. The Panelists shall be current or former Governors, Directors, or National Adjudicatory Council members, and at least one Panelist shall be an associated person.
(b) If at any time a Hearing Officer or Hearing Panelist determines that he or she has a conflict of interest or bias or circumstances otherwise exist where his or her fairness might reasonably be questioned, or if a Party files a motion to disqualify a Hearing Officer or Hearing Panelist, the recusal and disqualification proceeding shall be conducted in accordance with Rules 9233 and 9234, except that:
(1) a motion seeking disqualification of a Hearing Officer or Hearing Panelist must be filed no later than 5 days after the later of the events described in paragraph (b) of Rules 9233 and 9234; and
(2) the Chief Hearing Officer shall appoint a replacement Panelist using the criteria set forth in paragraph (a) of this Rule.
Adopted by SR-NASD-98-80 eff. June 23, 2003.

Selected Notice: 03-35.

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