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Office of Hearing Officers’ Decisions and Orders

The Office of Hearing Officers is an office of impartial adjudicators of disciplinary cases brought by FINRA’s Department of Enforcement against FINRA members.

The Office of Hearing Officers maintains strict independence from FINRA's regulatory programs and is physically separated from other FINRA departments.

Hearing officers are not involved in the investigative process. Employment protections exist for hearing officers to further ensure their independence; they may not be terminated except by the FINRA Chief Executive Officer, with a right to appeal to the Audit Committee of FINRA's Board of Governors.

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Media: field_core_official_dt (year)
Date of Decision Proceeding No. Title Type Order No.
May 11, 2007 CAF040079 Order Denying Respondent's Motion to Preclude Evidence and Requiring Enforcement to File a Declaration Disciplinary Order 07-15
April 28, 2007 E8A2003062001 Hearing Panel Decision in Department of Enforcement v. Respondent Redacted Decision
April 24, 2007 2005000127502 Hearing Panel Decision in Department of Market Regulation v. Steven Richard Jaloza, Neal Anthony Impellizeri, and Michael Raymond Gimeli

Related Documents

Disciplinary Decision
April 24, 2007 E9B2002010501 Hearing Panel Decision in Department of Enforcement v. Kevin M. Glodek Disciplinary Decision
April 20, 2007 2005002570601 Hearing Panel Decision in Department of Enforcement v. Paul Douglas Paratore

Related Documents

Disciplinary Decision
April 18, 2007 C11040006 Hearing Panel Order Granting, in Part, and Denying, in Part, Complainant's Motion for Summary Disposition Disciplinary Order 07-16
April 16, 2007 ARB060031 In the Matter of Department of Enforcement, Complainant vs. Respondent Expedited Decision, Rule 9550 Expedited Decisions
April 12, 2007 E1020040926-01 Hearing Panel Decision in Department of Enforcement v. Respondents

Related Documents

Redacted Decision
April 11, 2007 CAF040079 Order Granting in Part Respondent's Motion to Exceed Time Limits for Specific Witnesses and Denying Motion for Reconsideration of Total Number of Witnesses to Be Called Disciplinary Order 07-14
April 11, 2007 CLG050021 Hearing Panel Decision in Department of Market Regulation v. John Patrick Leighton and Kenneth D. Pasternak Disciplinary Decision
April 09, 2007 2006004493301 Hearing Panel Decision in Department of Enforcement v. Mark S. Ritchey Disciplinary Decision
March 30, 2007 20042000056-01 Hearing Panel Decision in Department of Market Regulation v. Respondent Redacted Decision
March 28, 2007 CAF040079 Order Regarding Witnesses Disciplinary Order 07-13
March 27, 2007 2005000440701 Order Regarding Pre-Hearing Motions Disciplinary Order 07-12
March 22, 2007 C10040052 Order Denying Respondents' Motion for Partial Summary Disposition

Related Documents

Disciplinary Order 07-11
March 20, 2007 E9B2003026301 Hearing Panel Decision in Department of Enforcement v. Timothy Behany, Edward M. VanGrouw, and Carl Martin Trevisan

Related Documents

Disciplinary Decision
March 16, 2007 C02050006 Order Requiring Counsel to File Notice of Representation or Withdrawal

Related Documents

Disciplinary Order 07-10
March 15, 2007 ARB060035 Wedbush Morgan Securities, Inc. Expedited Decision, Rule 9550 Expedited Decisions
March 07, 2007 2005000316701 Order Granting Motion to Compel or Alternatively to Preclude Oral or Documentary Evidence Disciplinary Order 07-09
February 28, 2007 2005001305701 Order Setting Philadelphia, Pa as Venue for Disciplinary Proceeding

Related Documents

Disciplinary Order 07-08
February 28, 2007 2005001514501 Hearing Panel Decision in Department of Enforcement v. Respondent Redacted Decision
February 22, 2007 E8A2002109804 Order Granting the Parties' Motions for Telephone Testimony and Deferring Ruling on Respondent's Objection to Enforcement's Proposed Exhibit CX-7

Related Documents

Disciplinary Order 07-07
February 20, 2007 2005001305701 Order Denying Respondents' Three Discovery Motions

Related Documents

Disciplinary Order 07-06
February 20, 2007 CLI050014 Hearing Panel Decision in Department of Enforcement v. Erik Matz Disciplinary Decision
February 16, 2007 2005000316701 Order Ruling on Respondents' Motions to Strike Department of Enforcement's Exhibits Disciplinary Order 07-05