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Drew Blevins Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

I have been investing since 1998. The first time I placed a trade it cost $75 to place the trade over a phone. I don't wish to go back to those days. Nor do I want regulators telling me what I can and can't invest in or require me to pass a test to demonstrate my knowledge. I have invested in both leveraged and inverse funds. Inverse funds are especially useful for hedging. Inverse funds are much less risky then hedging through options which have an expiration date. The safest way to hedge is through inverse funds.

Anna M Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Regulations preventing individuals not considered high net worth is classist, and potentially racist considering the socio economic demographics of high net worth folks. This has the potential of being illegal for its discriminatory language similar to historic red lining policies. I would also think, having more people invest would be of interest in a capitalist system, as it also has the potential to provide more jobs for those interested in accessing it.

Ronald Rosenberg Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

I have been investing successfully in leveraged and inverse ETFs for several decades, including currently. I am a non-professional private investor. I believe there should be no regulations which limit my ability to trade these funds like any other ETF or security. I should be able to chose the investments that are most suitable for me and my family, and these should not be available to just select investors.

Andrew Grant Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08


The Freedom to trade equities and other asset classes feels like a basic right without needing encumbrances to that end. I am a knowledgeable investor of leveraged ETFs that have returned twice annually as much as I would buying and holding SPY, QQQ or the like (1x leverage).

Any regulation that would impose more hurdles to my trading would feel like restriction, when my regimen of trading is likely more careful than most RIAs or Brokers.