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By Greg Ruppert, Executive Vice President, Member Supervision and Jonathan Sokobin, Executive Vice President, Chief Economist and Head of the Office of Regulatory Economics and Market Analysis

Image of Desk
By Bill St. Louis, Executive Vice President and Head of FINRA EnforcementFINRA Enforcement works on the front lines of investor protection. This blog post discusses some of the key objectives that drive this critical work.

FINRA Plays a Vital Role in Exposing Insider Trading
By Karen Braine, Vice President, Surveillance and Market Intelligence, Insider Trading Detection

Hand holding in comfort, care in support...
By Christine Kieffer, Senior Director, Office of Investor Education, FINRA

Crypto Asset
By Jason Foye, Chief of FINRA’s Crypto Hub

Person using binoculars
By Kara Williams and Gargi Sharma

A Look Back at Anti-Money Laundering in 2022
By Kara Williams and Gargi Sharma

The $3.4 Million Tip Blog Image
By FINRA Departments of Member Supervision and Enforcement A call to FINRA’s Senior Helpline resulted in $3.4 million returned to approximately 300 customers.

trace, market research, and policy making
For 20 years, FINRA’s Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine, known as TRACE, has contributed to reduced trade execution costs, facilitated price formation, aided regulatory programs and protected investors, as detailed in a recent blog commemorating this m

TRACE Anniversary
This Friday – July 1, 2022 – will mark the 20th anniversary of FINRA’s Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine, known as TRACE to everyone in the fixed income industry and regulatory community.