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Raymond Zajac Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

I have been investing in equity markets for over 50 year. These investments are a small amount of my total equity and I limit to only investing in options so I know exactly what my worse case scenario is. No margin calls. Plus my total cash invested of my own money is never more than $2000. average per month. Most quarter a lot less. It would be a shame if I lost the opportunity to invest in these manages funds because I don't have the time to do so on my own.

Shantanu Kulkarni Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

I oppose restrictions to my ability to invest in leveraged funds. Each investor should have the ability to invest their money as they see fit and take risks they can tolerate. I fully understand leveraged investments and use they frequently to boost returns against rising inflation. Restricting access to leveraged ETFs only helps large powerful brokers and undermines the average investors ability to maximize their earning potential.

Jim Schmidt Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

I run a systematic quarterly rebalancing plan that is powered by leveraged ETFs. I know what I am doing. The proper use of these leveraged products is a key part of my financial plan.

These funds are important to me. They improve my performance over the long term. I am not engaged in reckless trading, I understand the effect of daily magnification of an indexs price movement, and I use this magnification to my advantage.

I do not want a third party evaluating my capability of managing these funds, and certainly do not want one preventing me from buying them.